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**CANCELLED** Unlocking the Potential - Jas Whiting

  • Partners In Canine 765 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME, 04062 United States (map)

Due to the unforeseen circumstances we are all placed in due to COVID-19, this event has been cancelled for the health and safety or everyone. It is our hope and plan that we will reschedule this for some time in the future but at this time, we are unsure as to when they may be. For now, take care and stay tuned for any developments once the dust settles.

Jas is the head trainer of Prime Canine. She is the GRC Dogsports AUS and NZ Director, also an internationally certified judge for the sport and most achieved competitor. Jas and her dog Jenta was the first Australian team to earn 100 points (perfect score) in the SR component of the sport and gain all 3 SR titles so is eager to pass on her training knowledge. In addition to being a GRC judge and competitor, she is also the only certified female PSA Decoy in Australia. She has trained her own dog and had her meet the standards and qualify as a PTSD Assistance Dog.

Jas will be presenting a 2 day seminar of theory and practical work concentrating on the value, why’s and how’s of;
• Play based training
• Drive Development
• GRC Prep
• Shaping
• GRC SR Tests
• Confidence building
• and more...

Partners In Canine
765 Roosevelt Trail
ME 04062,

$375 for the seminar
GRC Dogsports SR Tests, Friday 27th Mar 2020 in the evening
***SR tests are open to the public

For all enquiries:
+1 (207) 956-0642